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Special Care Counselling - RAC

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About Statistics

This page contains step-by-step instructions explaining how to find statistical information using the George Wallace Library resources.

Why use statistics?

  • Relevant statistics give weight to your arguments.
  • They also allow you to describe a situation in a brief, precise way.

Resources on this page

This page includes instructions on how to find statistics using two tools: Statista and Statistics Canada.

  • Scroll down or click the name of a resource in the left side menu to access the instructions.

Using Statista

This box contains step-by-step instructions on how to find statistics using Statista.

  • Statista is a user-friendly research tool for statistics.

1. Go to the library website and click "More Library Resources".

  • Start by accessing the library website here.
  • Scroll down the homepage until you reach the "Electronic Resources" section.
  • Click "More Library Resources".

Screenshot of the library website showing where the More Library Resources link is.

2. Click Statistics in the left-side menu.

Screenshot of the Library Resources pages showing the Statistics section.

3. Click the "Statista" link.


To access Statista from home, you will need to login using your Microsoft 365 credentials. Email us at for more information.


4. Enter keywords in the search box. 

  • Statista is an international database. Make sure to specify what region of the world you are researching!

Screenshot of the Statista search interface.


5. Click a search result to view it.

  • Among the search results, you will find tables, graphs and reports.

Search results in Statista.

Using Statistics Canada

This box contains step-by-step instructions explaining how to find statistics using Statistics Canada.

1. Go to and select a language.

Screenshot of the Stat Can landing page.


2. Click on the "Subjects" tab.

Screenshot of the Stat Can website.


3. Select a subject area.

  • Scan the list and choose a subject related to your research topic.

Screenshot of the Stat Can website.


4. Browse the statistics on the page.

Screenshot of the Children and Youth section of Statistics Canada.

  • If what you're looking for isn't on the page, try exploring other related subjects.
  • Some of the tabs in the top menu offer keyword search, like "Data" (for data tables), "Analysis" (for text explaining key statistics) and "Census" for full census information.