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Printing in the Library

All Students get 100 printing credits every Fall semester or whichever semester you start in. You do not need to buy printing credits, unless you have used all your printing credits already.

Laptops at stand-up stations are available for you to quickly print your documents OR you may borrow a laptop at the Library Loans Desk to work on your document and then print.

Printing Tip : Use private browsing on these public computers. You may also restart the computer to clear your personal information.

Printing Instructions in 5 Steps

1. Open your document.
2. Select File>Print or type Ctrl + P.

3. Sign in to PaperCut MF (pop-up) :

  • Username = Champlain Student Number
  • Password = same for Microsoft Office 365 / Wifi / Moodle

(See your Course Schedule in Omnivox for your sign in info)

4. Pick up your document on Library-Student Xerox Printer.
5. Close your document and/or web browser.

Please Note:

  • Papercut automatically signs out when your document is printed, about 1 minute. You will be asked to sign in each time you click Print.
  • Protect your personal information! Open a New Incognito Window (Ctrl +Shift +N) OR a New InPrivate Window (Ctrl +Shift +P) on shared computers. This way your sign in information & links will not be stored on the browser.
  • Restarting the computer also clears your personal information.
Students are reminded to respect the current Canadian Copyright legislation as well as the Copibec License agreement.

Printing Costs


The PaperCut MF software manages all the printouts. You will need to have enough printing credits to pay for your printouts.

In the Fall semester, all student accounts are credited with 100 printing credits for the academic year. This means that in the Winter semester, only the new students receive printing credits.

Your printing credits will be deducted for each side of the paper that you select to print.

For black and white copies, it costs 1 printing credit for each side of a page. Single-sided copies cost 1 printing credit and double-sided copies cost 2 printing credits.

For colour copies, it costs 10 printing credits for each side of a page. Single-sided copies cost 10 printing credits and double-sided copies cost 20 printing credits.


You can check your printing credit balance in 3 ways:

  • Sign in to Omnivox and click "Printing credits" link
  • Open PaperCut MF Client (On campus computers only)
  • At the Library Loans Desk, show your Champlain student card and Ask Us for your balance.


Need more printing credits? Come to the Loans Desk.

Number of Printing Credits

Cost ($)

Payment Method









Debit, Credit or Cash



Debit, Credit or Cash

Photocopying and Scanning

Please sign into the Library-Student Xerox Printer to start scanning or photocopying.

Scan your document to create a digital / electronic copy and save it to a memory stick or email it to yourself.

Photocopy your document to have a print copy.

Same cost for printing a page applies.

Questions? Ask Us!