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IM Course Guide

How to Formulate Research Questions

A research question is a question that is used to focus your ideas when exploring a new subject.

It should:

1. State the research problem.
2. Focus the areas of examination.
3. Add context.

Topic right arrow Focus right arrow Context

How to Formulate Research Questions

A research question should be clear and focused.  For example:

Unclear Question: Why is there so much gun violence in the U.S.A.?

Clearer Question: What political, social and economic factors contribute to maintaining elevated rates of gun violence in the U.S.A.?

How to Write Your Research Question

1. Come up with a general idea.
2. Come up with an area of focus / interest.
3. Write a preliminary research question.
4. Start reading about it.
5. If needed, adjust your question based on the research you have done.