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Planetary Challenge

A guide to library research for students in Planetary Challenge.

Key Websites

Understanding Citations

Don't forget...

​Did you find everything you were looking for? Make sure to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Have you searched for articles in databases like ProQuest Research Library?
  • Have you tried different keywords (synonyms, related terms, etc.)?
  • Have you looked for books in the catalogue?
  • Have you checked for relevant information in a reference book (a paper encyclopedia or CREDO)?
  • Have you done several web searches, using a variety of search terms?
  • Have you checked if there are any relevant government documents, either federal or provincial? Any departments, ministries or agencies that might have produced relevant reports or studies?
  • Have you checked the websites of relevant associations or organizations?
  • Have you checked Statistics Canada (if applicable) for relevant statistics and analysis?
  • Have you searched not only for your topic as a whole but also for various narrower aspects of your topic?