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Early Childcare Education

Discover a range of links, resources, articles and videos to support early childcare teaching and learning.


To succeed in higher education it is essential to develop effective study skills. This ranges from maintaining good study habits, practicing and conducting thorough research methods, and being able to communicate effectively in both written and spoken form.

Conducting Research

Effective Communication


Cheating and/or plagiarism are serious academic offences. Punishment ranges from receiving the grade of zero for the plagiarized paper or the exam, on which the cheating occurred, to a recommendation, in critical cases, that the student be withdrawn from the course. A student who repeatedly commits such offences may be told to leave the institution. An example of plagiarism is the submission of any work that is copied from the internet or from another student. Offences are kept on file and will be reported to the Director of Continuing Education for inclusion in your permanent record.