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Early Childcare Education

Discover a range of links, resources, articles and videos to support early childcare teaching and learning.


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About this Guide

Welcome to the Early Childcare Education subject guide. This guide combines a range of links, resources, articles and videos to support early childcare teaching and learning.

There is a wealth of content on childcare and education on the web which is expanding every day. This study guide is intended to provide an overview of what is available. 

  • Child Development & Behaviour provides resources on cognitive development, communication skills, language & literacy, as well as motor and social skills. 
  • Pedagogy & Curriculum includes information on HighScope, Reggio and Montessori as well as learning and instruction methodologies.
  • Children with Special Needs covers a range of links on learning and physical disabilities.
  • Health & Safety includes information and resources on nutrition, medication & illness, and staying healthy.
  • Educational Activities covers play development and various activities to encourage learning.
  • Parenting & Families provides resources on communicating with parents to understanding family dynamics.
  • Daycare Management this section includes information on the work environment, setting up a daycare and management.
  • Organizations & Government includes a range of childcare organizations, provincial & federal information, as well as discussion & policy documents
  • Study Skills & Research covers links and resources on good study habits, conducting research, effective communication, and plagiarism.