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Glossary of Library Terms: T

Library words explained briefly with French translation. Indexes for direct links.

Table of Contents

A list of the chapters or sections of a publication in the order that they appear.

A table of contents may be found at the beginning of a book, a report, a study, etc. Note that French-language books may have the table of contents at the end of the work.

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table des matières 


A list of terms with their synonyms and related terms.

A thesaurus allows you to find similar words for a particular idea or concept. Library catalogues and databases often have their own thesaurus built on their own subject descriptors. A thesaurus is useful when your search comes up with too few results (see UnlockingResearch – Find Synonyms) or when your search has too many results (see UnlockingResearch – Using Subject Headings).

See also: Descriptor

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Title Page

The identification page of a book or report.

The title page is found on the first or second page of a book. It contains the title, the author and usually the publisher’s name. More details can be found on the verso: publishing date, place of publication, copyright information, edition number and often library cataloguing information.

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page de titre

Trade Journal

A periodical that is a collection of articles and news written for a profession or trade.

A trade or professional journal will publish some research articles however they may not be peer-reviewd.

See alos: Journal, Periodical

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revue professionnelle


Shortening a word by taking off letters.

Truncation can be used to search a database more efficiently. Truncation allows you to search on several variants of a word at the same time. A symbol replaces one or more letters at the end of the word. The symbol used depends on the database you are searching.

Example:  child* will find child, children, and childhood.

Always check the help page of the database to know the correct symbol to use.

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