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Glossary of Library Terms: A

Library words explained briefly with French translation. Indexes for direct links.


A brief text that summarizes the main points of an article or book.

By reading the abstract you can better determine whether the document has the information you’re looking for. An abstract of a research paper includes the reason for the study, the methodology, the results of the research, and the author’s conclusions.

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Annotated Bibliography

A list of citations with comments for each entry.

Each bibliography entry starts with a citation of the source. In addition a short summary is given as well as an evaluation and/or a description. These additional comments are called annotations. Depending on your assignment you may have to describe the content, its relevance to the topic, its reliability and possibly your reaction to the source. The bibliography will be formatted according to the citation style requested by your teacher.

For examples see: Purdue Online Writing Lab 

See also: Bibliography,  Citation

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bibliographie annotée


APA Style

One of several styles used to cite sources.

The American Psychological Assocication provides guidelines for the writing and referencing of research papers. It is used most often in social sciences, business and nursing. For examples of how to cite sources using the APA style please consult UnlockingResearch / Citation Styles.

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style APA

This guide was created by Martha Frey. Updated by Estelle Bourbeau.