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Language and Culture - Research Assessment

How to Use this Guide

Welcome the Language and Culture Comprehensive Assessment guide

What is in this guide:

Finding the Information you Need: how to find books and articles in the library catalog, the MLA handbook, resources to help with bibliographies, how to sign up for BAnQ.

Academic Writing: Links to various guides to help with college essay-writing

Italian: online grammars and dictionaries, resources on Italian history and on Italian literature.

Spanish: online grammars and dictionaries, resources on Spanish and Latin American history and literature.

Linguistics: linguistics resources like dictionaries, encyclopedias, introductory manuals, online definitions of important linguistic concepts, books on various topics from a linguistics point of view.

Art History: online and physical books on art history, design and fashion. Biographical information of major artists

Montreal: links concerning Montreal's diverse cultural communities, online and in the library

Food culture: general resources on food cultures and gastronomy 

Happy researching!