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Indigenous Peoples & Childcare

Here you will find information, videos and resources.

About this Guide

Welcome to Indigenous Peoples & Childcare subject guide.  Here you will find information, videos and resources on Child Development; Educational Activities & Learning; Health & Safety; Storytelling & Legends; Indigenous Languages; Elders, Family & Tradition; and Community, Law & Politics.

This subject guide only covers a fraction of the Indigenous information that is accessible on the web. The resources here are intended to provide an overview of what is available. It should be noted that there are 11 distinct indigenous groups in Quebec. At this time, this guide only covers the Mohawk, Inuit and Cree.

  • Overview includes a wide range of links on indigenous people in Canada,
  • Child Development provides online information specific to indigenous children, community and head start programs
  • Education Activities & Learning includes various playtime and teaching resources
  • Indigenous Health focuses on health issues, services and community care.
  • Storytelling & Legends includes video recorded stories and legends from Mohawk, Cree and Inuit.
  • Indigenous Languages provides general information on indigenous languages in Canada as well as specific information on Mohawk, Cree and Inuit.
  • Elders, Family & Traditions includes video recordings of elders from various indigenous communities sharing their knowledge on family and traditions
  • Community, Law & Politics provides links to Mohawk, Cree and Inuit councils and communities.
  • Organizations & Resources includes information on centres and organizations that support indigenous families as well as policy & discussion papers on childcare.

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