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Copyright Workshop

This guide provides information regarding copyright issues as it pertains to the use of copyright protected materials in education setting in Québec.

Creative Commons Workshop

This module will introduce you to Creative Commons, which is a type of license conferred by the owner of copyrighted materials to allow for certain uses of his or her content.

After completing this module, you will be able to identify Creative Commons content and will understand how to use it appropriately according to its license.



We acknowledge the financial contribution of the Table Interordres provinciale du secteur Anglophone /  Provincial Interlevel Table for the English Sector, as well as the technical contribution of M. Ryan Moon, Program Manager - English Language Services Cégep à distance.

The presentation content was adapted from the REPTIC April 2014 workshop Copyrights in the CEGEP environment by Maître Robert Y. Cousineau.

Additional Information