Biblio-AidantsIf you are working with home caregivers or simply looking for a list of associations, online resource or support groups and readings, the Association des bibliothèques publiques du Québec (ABPQ) has recently launched BIBLIO-AIDANTS, a series of online booklets for this purpose.
Available on the web at, you will find a series of French booklets covering the following topics:
- Aînés et vieillissement
- Cancer
- Déficience intellectuelle
- Deuil
- Diabète
- Incapacités physicques
- Maladie d'alzheimer
- Maladie de Parkinson
- Maladies du Coeur et accidents vasculaires cérébraux
- Maladies pulmonaires
- Proches aidants
- Santé mentale
- Sclérose en plaques
- Soins palliatifs
- Troubles du spectre de l'autisme
These are currently only available in French and thus point mostly to French community resources. The ABPQ is currently working on the creation of English versions that will point home caregivers to pertinent English resources. The English versions are scheduled for launch in December 2016.